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Accurate Technologies

Shows and Events


ATI CANLab 和Kvaser Hybrid CAN/LIN Webinar

Accurate Technologies (ATI) and Kvaser are holding a joint webinar on August 10th (9:00AM Beijing time) to explain how to use the Kvaser-ATI toolchain to log, import, and analyze vehicle CAN data. Mr. Xiaojun ZHENG, KVASER Application Manager, will teach the specifics of using Kvaser Hybrid CAN/LIN products, while Dr. Yonghui ZHANG, ATI Application Manager, will provide a tutorial on handling the data in the CANLab software. 
ATI 与其合作伙伴 Kvaser 将在北京时间 8月 10 日上午 9:00 - 10:00 AM 举办联合网络会议,最后还有一个可选的问答环节。与会者将了解Kvaser Hybrid CAN/LIN产品的一些功能及 ATI CANLab 网络分析软件中的各种应用。


Please sign up if you'd like to attend.

Meet Your Trainers

Xiaojun ZHENG

KVASER Application Manager

Yonghui ZHANG

ATI Application Manager

More Information

Below are links to products related to the above webinar.