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Accurate Technologies

ECU Calibration


Intuitive Calibration for Efficiency and Creativity

In an ever-evolving industry, progress has brought increased complexity in the development of Electronic Control Units (ECU’s) creating a need for a more sophisticated calibration tool. Engineers monitor and modify thousands of variables while calibrating the ECU, this process is complex and demanding. Calibration requires a PC-based software for calibration and data acquisition connected to an ECU interface to communicate with the microcontroller. Providing a user friendly and intuitive calibration tool ensures efficiency and accuracy during the ECU development process. Features such as time aligning data from multiple inputs, real-time calibration and modification of closed loop control systems and a customizable software are a must have for engineers.     

VISION Software
ECU Rapid Prototyping Software
ECU Interfaces
Data Acquisition
CAN Bus Products
Automotive Ethernet
VISION Calibration and Data Acquisition Software
Calibration and Data Acquisition Solutions

Calibrators require an intuitive and flexible calibration tool to increase accuracy and productivity. ATI’s VISION Calibration and Data Acquisition Software has been designed and developed with direct input from ECU development customers and is structured how engineers want to work rather than how programmers build software. VISION focuses on customizability, efficiency, expanding compatibility, performing multiple functions at once, and programmability to simplify repetitive tasks. ATI provides a variety of Toolkit packages ensuring a complete solution to meet the needs of engineers. 

Rapid Prototyping Solutions

ATI’s Rapid Prototyping Toolkit for VISION Calibration and Data Acquisition Software provides users with end to end solution from simulation to development. No-Hooks, allows users to bypass control variables in the ECU’s RAM (that are normally only viewable or measurable) with calibratable parameters. OnTarget adds another level of prototyping to bypass ECU control variables with model outputs inline with the production ECU executables. The VISION Model Based Calibration toolkit (VISION MBC) is the implementation of a Model in-the-loop (MIL) system. The MathWorks’ tools, MATLAB® and Simulink®, provide the modeling environment and VISION MBC provides the ‘in the-loop’ capability, integrating VISION with the model as it runs natively within the Simulink® environment.

Hardware Solutions

Flashing speeds, number of data items that can be acquired and data rates are all affected by the ECU Interface that VISION is connected to. ATI offers many ECU interface solutions to fit every need while remaining cost efficient and reliable. Direct connection is made to the ECU microcontroller via memory emulator or the debugger interface. ATI ECU Interfaces communicate using Association for Standardization 

ATI's VISION Calibration and Data Acquisition Software features include:

  • Importing/Exporting multiple file formats (MATLAB®, MDF, HDF and ASCII)
  • Live graphical views
  • View and collect data with functional Data List and Recorder Objects
  • Utilize CAN Monitors and CAN Trace Objects available for use with ATI devices only including ATI CAN Network Interfaces)
  • OBD II vehicle diagnostics support for vehicle comparisons
  • Third party device compatibility
  • Electronic control unit communication support such as ASAM CCP/XCP and ATI Interfaces
  • Support of recorder file overlay for comparisons between different recorder files
  • Support for ‘floating’ Independent sampling rates per channel
  • Remote dashboard for mobile devices monitors VISION that is running on a host computer