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ATI Press Releases

April 7, 2017

ATI Tools Give University of Michigan-Dearborn's Formula SAE Team the Competitive Edge

Automotive Testing Expo Europe
Accurate Technologies’ measurement, calibration and diagnostics (MCD) hardware and software products once again prove their worth in a motorsport environment, this time courtesy of the University of Michigan-Dearborn Formula SAE team. A long-established series, Formula SAE (FSAE) is a collegiate design competition with participants from around the globe, in which students design, manufacture, and assemble a vehicle to participate in competitions hosted in various countries.

Each FSAE competition consists of static and dynamic events, testing not only the performance of the car, but also challenging and ranking the knowledge of the students relating to the design, manufacturability, cost, and marketing of the vehicle.


For the 2016-2017 season ATI donated  licenses, VISION Calibration and Data Acquisition software and the firm’s advanced compact  to enable the University of Michigan students to maximize the performance of their car’s 500cc, twin-cylinder Yamaha power plant. CANverters and the firm’s advanced compact  to enable the University of Michigan students to maximize the performance of their car’s 500cc, twin-cylinder Yamaha power plant.DLX Dataloggers and the firm’s advanced compact DLX Dataloggersand the firm’s advanced compact  to enable the University of Michigan students to maximize the performance of their car’s 500cc, twin-cylinder Yamaha power plant. to enable the University of Michigan students to maximize the performance of their car’s 500cc, twin-cylinder Yamaha power plant.  to enable the University of Michigan students to maximize the performance of their car’s 500cc, twin-cylinder Yamaha power plant. to enable the University of Michigan students to maximize the performance of their car’s 500cc, twin-cylinder Yamaha power plant.  to enable the University of Michigan students to maximize the performance of their car’s 500cc, twin-cylinder Yamaha power plant. to enable the University of Michigan students to maximize the performance of their car’s 500cc, twin-cylinder Yamaha power plant.  to enable the University of Michigan students to maximize the performance of their car’s 500cc, twin-cylinder Yamaha power plant. to enable the University of Michigan students to maximize the performance of their car’s 500cc, twin-cylinder Yamaha power plant.  to enable the University of Michigan students to maximize the performance of their car’s 500cc, twin-cylinder Yamaha power plant. to enable the University of Michigan students to maximize the performance of their car’s 500cc, twin-cylinder Yamaha power plant.


The 2015-2016 competition built on strong previous form with new numerous creative innovations in vehicle architecture and design, which, allied to ATI’s MCD expertise, translated on-track to an incredibly successful season. Despite a class field of over 100 international teams, an 8th place at last year’s Formula SAE Michigan highlighted the progress made by the team, backed up by an impressive 1st at the recent University of Toronto Shootout.


For the 2017 season the team intends to do even better, with the next round of the FSAE series being on home turf, as it is held at the Michigan International Speedway, Brooklyn, Michigan on 10-13 May 2017.


‘We are extremely pleased with ATI’s association with the University of Michigan’s FSAE success,’ says ATI’s Executive Director Jeff Kittka, ‘and are proud that we have supplied our DLX unit as a central logger that helps facilitate the racecar‘s CAN network.’


Discover more about Formula SAE here:

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